Bijeenkomst Kenniscentrum Aansprakelijkheid - brand protection - 11 april 2023

In samenwerking met Sedgwick. Uitnodiging wordt z.s.m. verzonden!


Tijdens de lezing van mw. Julie Ross (International Business Development Director bij Segdwick) worden de leden bijgepraat over het onderwerp ‘Brand Protection’.


The reputation of a company has always been a key part of risk management. However, the risks to be considered are evolving continuously and the landscape has changed significantly in the last few years. The post Covid world has added strains no one could have predicted a few years ago. Struggles in the labour market, rising inflation, component parts shortages, limited or complicated supply chains; these are all factors causing significant strains in costs of doing business. Besides, changes in legislation in many industry sectors must be considered and applied correctly and practically as they come into law.


In today’s world companies reputations continue to be called into sharp focus from the more traditional risk factors, but also moving into what companies stand for.


In this session we are focusing on brand protection which, for this purpose, means managing customer complaints via contact centre through to product recalls in the manufacturing arena. Product related issues can easily escalate from just managing complaints (which are often the first indications of an issue), to product withdrawals and in the worst-case scenario, a product recall action. We will discuss what some of the key drivers of these actions might be and we will include a few case studies to illustrate some of the issues we incurred in the past 25 years.

Het programma is als volgt:

  •        13.00 - 13.30 uur - Ontvangst met inlooplunch
  •        13.30 - 14.15 uur - Presentatie Segdwick inzake Brand Protection
  •        14.15 - 14.30 uur - Vragenrondje
  •        14.30 - 15.00 uur - Afsluiting en borrel

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